Sunday, 22 November 2009

little ryan night skating

southam industrial estate

night time


old fridge

no light

little ryan

Monday, 16 November 2009

charlie todd - backside 180 - bilton school

charlie todd - backside 180ing a 7set long long ago when DNO was first formed as a crew not an interweb do-hickey...for a while bilton school was THE place to skate, benches, stairs from 2sets to 10 sets, roof gaps, lockers, handrails, lines fo days in that place

bit dogey tho...

also compleat shut down now - gutted

Monday, 19 October 2009

ryans work in progress - k grind biggie away

i'll get em nice one day but this will do me for now - just found this from a while ago


little dylan does runs in bromsgrove on demand

this kids seriously like 10 or 11 and is out skating hard most days, travels some where most weekends thanks to his dad (your a hero...) and is getting good for such a short chap - here he puts down an ollie down a 5 set, boardslide close to bailing but pulls himself back up into a fakie biggie - SKILLS at bromsgrove skatepark...

Monday, 12 October 2009

broken boards and the stranges kid in the world

i wish you could all meet butterz, he is genuinly a very strange person with a skate style thats equally odd... he dosen't own his own board but sessions most days on argos ones borrowed off whatever children are around or scraps other people chuck at him - anyway - varial flip on a buggered board...

Sunday, 11 October 2009

DNO in K.N. - geoff did...

a kickflip over the hip - if you pause this on the catch it looks soooo nice, fairly beefed up as well... probs coulda cleared one or two of the kids that always seem to inhabit the place

also shows the irralavence of the spine in that place - shoulda put another ledge in there instead... oh well

Saturday, 10 October 2009

more birmingham tings

above would be me nollie-ing a hip at kings norton on a recent DNO filming trip - more footage from the day soon...

stoke-on-trent ting and birmingham ting

have got new product - check it now, they have also moved into a new workshop which is looking cool...

i did this nosemanny at kings norton a while ago and after doing some food shoping and doing some washing up im going back down there and will proberly put it down again...

Friday, 9 October 2009

little manz represent....

this kids like 15 or some shit and has been ripping for a while now despite coming out of a little village that DNO was forced into being in..... and his got a good first name - the other ryan does some stuff...

its raining...

no skating 2day as winters starting to come in so more memorys of sunnier times (only a few weeks ago now) are in order...

little me ollies and gets an arm severed by weeds - photo: justin "jeffers" haynes...

heres jeffers on t'other side of the camera with a switch front shove and fakie ollie manny, so summery the nips have come out